Its particular and strategic geographic location, as well as the historical episodes in which it has been involved, have given to Gibraltar different distinctive features. From, we tell you 10 curious facts about Gibraltar that you may not have known.
1) The service sector as an economic activity.
The service sector accounts for the bulk of Gibraltar's economic activity. In particular, the maritime, financial and tourism sectors provide the most jobs for the population.
2) Very low taxes.
Compared to Spain, taxes in Gibraltar are much lower. As in the Canary Islands, there is no VAT, but there is a tax rate of 12% on imports. Corporate tax is also 10%, a rate introduced in 2011 to remove Gibraltar's tax haven status.
3) Gambling as a source of income.
Gibraltar's favourable tax regime has made it the home of many major online bookmakers as the taxes they would have to pay in the UK would be much higher. These companies employ hundreds of Gibraltarians, with this sector being one of the key pillars of the Gibraltarian economy. Rock.
4) A different language you know?
In addition to "gibraltareños", the colloquial name for the inhabitants is "llanitos". The dialect spoken on the Rock is also known as "Llanito" and is a mixture of Spanish and English, often due to the deformation of the voices of the second language.
5) The only wild monkey population in Europe.

Gibraltar is home to Europe's only colony of wild monkeys. Around 200-300 specimens of the endangered Barbary macaques live on the rock.
6) The Pillars of Hercules
According to Greek mythology, one of the two Pillars of Hercules was located on the Rock of Gibraltar, which for the Greeks marked the end of the known world. These pillars are the two pillars represented on the Spanish coat of arms.
7) UNESCO World Heritage Site
Gibraltar may have been one of the last Neanderthal strongholds. Beneath the rock is Gorham Cave, where the skulls of this approximately 24,000-year-old hominid were found and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2016.
8) 52 kilometres of tunnels

The Rock has more than fifty kilometres of tunnels built during the Second World War, both as a prophylactic method of dissolution in the event of a hypothetical German invasion, and as a fundamental place to guarantee the protection of maritime transit through the Mediterranean Sea during the confrontation.
9) Gibraltar admitted into UEFA
Since 2013, the UEFA-recognised football helmet election has been the highest European authority in this exercise. Its regional team is made up of non-professional footballers and must compete in compliance with the 8,000 minimum crowd rules, its international matches are both home matches at the Estádio Algarve in Portugal.
10) John Lennon and Yoko Ono wedding.
In 1969 the British delegation in Gibraltar hosted the wedding between John Lennon and Yoko Ono. The ceremony lasted about ten minutes. After landing on the rock, the newlyweds flew to Amsterdam, where they spent their honeymoon.
If you want to an experience where you can speak SpanglishGibraltar, one of the must-see excursions from the Costa del Sol, is not to be missed.
We recommend that you take advantage of the Excursion to Gibraltar from Malaga and Costa del Sol or the Excursion to Gibraltar from Tarifa so that you don't miss any detail of what to see and do in Gibraltar in one day.
Excursion to Gibraltar from Malaga and Costa del Sol€33,00Rated 4.69 out of 5 based on 527 customer ratings
Excursion to Gibraltar from Tarifa and from Algeciras€29,00Rated 4.58 out of 5 based on 12 customer ratings
Excursion to Gibraltar and Dolphin Sightseeing by Boat from Malaga€59,00Rated 4.84 out of 5 based on 122 customer ratings